vrijdag, juni 19, 2009

great debate about rotterdaminnvationcentre.com

lead by mark harbers & leonard geluk @ bmc.nl 's business game @ chio.nl

#chio #ric #bmc

@gar/edgar neo
connector, conceptor, conscious capitalist
e: edgarneo@gmail.com
t/m/f: +31(0)84 003 08 63
i: www.edgarneo.INFO


dont forget to follow me @ twitter.com/edgarneoPS sorry for any typo's!

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great debate about rotterdam innvation centre

lead by mark harbers, leonard geluk

@gar/edgar neo
connector, conceptor, conscious capitalist
e: edgarneo@gmail.com
t/m/f: +31(0)84 003 08 63
i: www.edgarneo.INFO


dont forget to follow me @ twitter.com/edgarneo

PS sorry for any typo's!

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Minister Magnette of Belgium

@ www.positive-economy.eu

@gar / edgar neo
connector, conceptor, conscious capitalist
e: edgarneo@gmail.com
t/m: +31840030863
i: www.edgarneo.INFO

dont forget to follow me @ twitter.com/edgarneo
PS sorry for any typo's!

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the famous mr ed @ #chio .nl

#chio #rotterdam@gar/edgar neo connector, conceptor, conscious capitaliste: edgarneo@gmail.comt/m/f: +31(0)84 003 08 63i: www.edgarneo.INFO&dont forget to follow me @ twitter.com/edgarneoPS sorry for any typo's!

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donderdag, juni 18, 2009

Interview with Edgar Neo serial social entrepreneur

a few weeks ago i had the privilege to be interviewed by petra kroon of THE online dutch platform focussing on social venturing called www.sociaalondernemen.nu.
the video on vimeo is an excerpt of the indepth interview which you can read @ the site (unfortunatly DUTCH only)

Edgar Neo, serial sociaal ondernemer, geeft tips voor ondernemers door sociaal ondernemen @ Vimeo.

In deze video geeft Edgar Neo, onder andere founding father van lotsov *,
een minicursus sociaal ondernemen.

Zoek een antwoord op de volgende vragen:

1) wie ben ik?
2) wat lever ik?
3) en waarom zou de klant dit kopen?

En daarna: knuffelen die klanten!

Lees het artikel hier

dinsdag, juni 16, 2009

postive economy 2009 @ brussels, belgium

after being sick for a few days - clearly the crisis has it's effect @ the quality of the food / ingredients :-(

today was the 1st day out of bed. and what a day it was.
i was 1 of the guest speakers @ positive economy forum held in brussels, belgium

great line up, great audience, NO wifi and / but a nice way of building a more and broader international network (like minister magnette of sustainable development of belgium)

(i'll post a few pics later via twitter.com/edgarneo / mobypicture. i think)

i wasn't the only one from holland.
i found myself in good company with the lovely people of valid people (part of the vast growing valid empire) nicolette mak and arrad eshel

want to know more about the conference or what you can do yourself creating a more social, sustainable and positive economy you should check the site with backchannel:

nicolette, arrad & i @ positive-economy.eu clearly having fun ;-)

today nicolette mak, arrad eshel of validpeople.nl and i were (a few of a great collectiv of international) guest speakers on the topic of a social, sustainable @ positive economy 2009 forum

and clearly having fun ;-)

edgar neo
connector, conceptor, conscious capitalist

for / on

lotsov * | BViT incubators | Rotterdam Innovation Centre | The CleanTech Delta | RESULT | xing | linkedIN

e: edgarneo@gmail.com
t / m: +31 (0)84-003 28 93
i: www.edgarneo.INFO

don't forget to follow me @ twitter.com / edgarneo

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